Sunday, July 26, 2009

The supervised reclassification process was a little confusing for me. I wasn't sure how many seed properties I was supposed to use for each class. It was difficult for me to distinguish between some of the classes.

Unsupervised Reclassification

I had a difficult time trying to determine which classes to assign to most of the "green" area. I thought it would be logical that the area so close to the water would be marshy or grassy so I assigned the majority to that class.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Geometric rectification is the process of correcting geometric distortions in imagery and assigning geographic coordinates to the image by the use of ground control points. Features that are clearly visible on both the image and map (road intersections, airport runways) are given ground control points in image to map registration. The more control points used the more accurate the results. Errors in rectification can come when discernable features are not available or there is a mistake in intrepretation of the features.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fort Worth

Provide a brief description of why the following features appear as they do in this thermal image:

Roads, sidewalks and patios appear light in the image because asphalt and concrete hold heat. They hold heat longer than other structures. Warmer items appear lighter in color than cooler ones.

Natural and man-made vegetation appear from light to dark in the image. Depending on the vegetation, a moist yard will be cooler and appear dark. The more a person watered the lawn the greener and more moist it would be. Dryer vegetation or sandy soil will be warmer, have more reflection and appear a lighter color.

Storage sheds appear dark. Most storage sheds do not have a heat source so the roof will be cooler and dark in color.

Automobiles mostly appear dark. The photo was taken in the early morning and most autos were still cool from sitting overnight thus the dark color. A couple of cars have a bright spot which would be the result of a warm engine.

Bright spots on many rooftops are the result of chimneys or vents putting out heat from the houses. The warm air would cause greater reflection and a lighter color.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Comparison of Panchromatic and Multipectral Images

To my eye, the panchromatic image is clearer but the definition between the land and water is not distinct. It is hard to distinguish what the shades of gray in the water represent. The multispectral image has a greater distinction between the land and water. The blue would represent urban area and would represent the development on Marco Island. I do not understand the blue in the water area.